Navigating Imposter Syndrome in New Graduates [by Drs. Ayla Azad and Philippa Oakley]
CourseIn this module, the speakers share their experiences living with imposter syndrome, how it still impacts them as experienced chiropractors, and tips for not letting it hold you back. This module is not eligible for CE credits with CCHPBC.
Budgeting for Chiropractors [by Cassandra Tyagi]
CourseIn this module, the speaker reviews best practices in building a budget for your practice. This module is not eligible for CE credits with CCBC.
Contract Negotiations: Red Flags & Understanding Associateship Agreements [by Drs. Ayla Azad & Crystal Draper]
CourseIn this module, the speakers present important aspects of negotiating associateship contracts. This module is not eligible for CE credits with CCBC.
New Business Checklist: Everything you wanted to learn about business finances in school. [by Cassandra Tyagi]
CourseIn this module, the speaker presents bookkeeping best practices when setting up your chiropractic practice. This module is not eligible for CE credits with CCBC.
Building your practice - from word of mouth to social media [by Drs. Ayla Azad and Crystal Draper]
CourseIn this module, the speakers present their personal experiences and best practices for building a chiropractic practice. This module is not eligible for CE credits with CCBC.
Departing a Practice [by Scott Marcinkow]
CourseIn this module, Mr. Marcinkow discusses the enforceability of non-competition and non-solicitation clauses in contracts and considerations one should make when entering into a contract.
All prices include 5% GST.